Brand Name: Ace
*Head Width: 11 in.
*Bristle Type: Stiff
*Bristle Material: Broomcorn/Yucca
*Product Type: Broom
*Bristle Length: 17 in.
*Number in Package: 4
*Commercial or Residential: Commercial and Residential
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Handle Material: Wood
*Color: Tan
*Broom Style: Warehouse
*Handle Length: 42 in.
Ace Corn Janitor Broom
*Head Width: 12 in.
*Bristle Type: Soft
*Bristle Material: Broomcorn
*Product Type: Broom
*Commercial or Residential: Commercial and Residential
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Number in Package: 4
*Bristle Length: 17 in.
*Handle Length: 42 in.
*Handle Material: Wood
*Color: Tan
*Broom Style: Janitor
Brand Name: Elite Mops and Booms
*Head Width: 8 in.
*Bristle Type: Soft
*Bristle Material: Broomcorn/Yucca
*Product Type: Broom
*Broom Style: Lobby
*Number in Package: 6
*Handle Length: 30 in.
*Bristle Length: 8 in.
*Color: Tan
*Handle Material: Wood
*Commercial or Residential: Commercial and Residential
*Packaging Type: Bagged